
Showing posts from December, 2023

Happy New Year 2024 Dog Video - Pack Walk #144

Happy New Year 2024 Dog Video - Pack Walk #144 Happy New Year 2024 Dog Video - Pack Walk #144 Visit Our K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering Website: Dog Training Victoria, BC: Executive Pet Sitting Victoria, BC: Resources: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Blogger: YouTube: Medium: SoundCloud: PRLog: Please Watch This Next Video:

Happy Holidays 2023 - Pack Walk #143

Happy Holidays 2023 - Pack Walk #143 Happy Holidays 2023 to all of our fur friends and their humans! Pack Walk #143. Visit Our K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering Website: Dog Training Victoria, BC: Executive Pet Sitting Victoria, BC: Resources: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Blogger: YouTube: Medium: SoundCloud: PRLog: Please Watch This Next Video:

Puppy Escape!

Puppy Escape! Check out our other great videos here - Visit Our K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering Website: Dog Training Victoria, BC: Executive Pet Sitting Victoria, BC: Resources: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Blogger: YouTube: Medium: SoundCloud: PRLog: Please Watch This Next Video:

Dog Nail Health

K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering & Dog / Puppy Training Proper dog nail health is important for the overall health of your fur friend. Once they’re too long, the quick (the vein) will grow longer into the nail, which makes it impossible to trim the nails back far enough. Save Your Floors – Save Your Skin Short nails will also save your hardwood floors and nicely rounded nails, rather than clipped nails leaving sharp edges will also save your skin from scratches. How Do You Know If the Nails Are Too Long? If you can hear the nails clicking on the floor – they’re too long and you’re compromising your dog’s nail health. If this is the case with your dog’s nails, you need to work on trimming them back a little bit every week, getting them as close to the quick as possible, so that the vein starts to naturally recede farther back into the nail. Properly trimming a dog’s nails is a skill that should often be left to the professionals, and especially if you are nervous, uncertain,

Can Humanizing Your Dog Be Harmful?

K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering & Dog / Puppy Training So many people are excessively humanizing their pets, and none more so than our canine counterparts. For instance, you see cute, little humanizing sayings everywhere, such as “Dogs Are People Too”, “I’m Family”, and “Dogs are Children in Fur Clothes”,  just to quote a few. Such as movies portraying dogs and cats as conversational, intelligent, puzzle-solving, clothed, miniature human-like creatures, etc. How Can Humanizing Your Dog Be Harmful? Generally speaking, the more you humanize your dog, the more likely your dog may be suffering from psychological problems that manifest themselves through your dog acting out in ways unacceptable to us humans. Many behavioral problems can arise as a result of too much humanizing, including anxiety, barking, aggressiveness, obsessiveness, nervousness, confusion, fear, and more because the dog, try as it might, doesn’t have the capacity to turn itself into a fur human any more than

Is Dog Stress Killing Your Best Fur Friend?

K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering & Dog / Puppy Training We’ve all heard about how stress can kill humans, but have any of us humans ever stopped to consider how dog stress is also taking its toll on our beloved canine population? Once we humans decided to domesticate dogs, remove from all they previously knew and fully integrate them into our immediate environment, they have become affected by all our human foibles and diseases, which includes a mountain of stress. In many cases, we have unknowingly created situations that are unnatural to our dogs whom we now expect to function as small fur humans and just forget about the true nature of their very being. There are many humans situations, which seem normal and every day to us humans, that when not approached in a way that the dog can properly comprehend can cause ongoing dog stress for your fur friend that will ultimately shorten your dog’s life. Dog Stress Situations There are multiple situations and daily activities in th

What’s a Puppy Mill? Why You Should Care

K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering & Dog / Puppy Training Many people have heard the term “puppy mill” , yet many more don’t really understand what it means, other than that it has something to do with buying and selling puppies. The following article is intended to help educate the millions of responsible pet owners who may be about to unwittingly purchase a puppy from a mill because they believe that they are getting a dog from a “reputable” breeder. Here you will find the shocking truth behind the cruel and inhumane trafficking of those innocent canines who are little more than a means to a fat bank account for the owners of these puppy mills. What is a Puppy Mill? The definition of a puppy mill is a large scale breeding operation purely for attaining the highest dollar profit possible in the shortest period of time with little to no regard for the health or welfare of those incarcerated. Why Should You Care? There are many reasons why dog lovers should really care whether

Panda Dogs?

K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering & Dog / Puppy Training “This year, popularity for one unique type of dog is surging in China. The black and white pooches are chubby and exceptionally fluffy. They bear a striking resemblance to pandas. The panda dog is not an identified, accepted breed, but instead they’re Chows that have undergone cosmetic primping to get them to appear as adorable pandas. Chinese citizens don’t seem to care how the doggies get their look, because pet shops are having an incredibly hard time keeping up with the demand. One pet store owner in Chengdu city, Hsin Ch’en remarked “Ten years ago the natural instinct of a Chinese person was to eat a dog. Now we are like westerners and want one as a companion. The cute breeds like French bulldogs and Labradors were the favorites, but now it is the panda dog.” Ch’en isn’t complaining about the trend though, as he’s responsible for creating the makeshift breed. He claims to have ‘perfected’ the grooming and coloring te