Can Humanizing Your Dog Be Harmful?

K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering & Dog / Puppy Training

Can Humanizing Your Dog Be Harmful

So many people are excessively humanizing their pets, and none more so than our canine counterparts.

For instance, you see cute, little humanizing sayings everywhere, such as “Dogs Are People Too”, “I’m Family”, and “Dogs are Children in Fur Clothes”,  just to quote a few.

Such as movies portraying dogs and cats as conversational, intelligent, puzzle-solving, clothed, miniature human-like creatures, etc.

How Can Humanizing Your Dog Be Harmful?

Generally speaking, the more you humanize your dog, the more likely your dog may be suffering from psychological problems that manifest themselves through your dog acting out in ways unacceptable to us humans.

Many behavioral problems can arise as a result of too much humanizing, including anxiety, barking, aggressiveness, obsessiveness, nervousness, confusion, fear, and more because the dog, try as it might, doesn’t have the capacity to turn itself into a fur human any more than we humans have the capacity to turn ourselves into hairless canines.

We love our dogs, but perhaps we humans need to ask ourselves how much we love dogs, as opposed to how much we want our dogs to change themselves into furry humans that also retain the loyal, unconditional loveable dog characteristics that attracted us to them in the first place.

Perhaps we humans need to exercise a little more understanding of how our excessive humanizing may actually be harmful to our dogs and instead of trying so hard to turn them into perfect little humans, we need to respect them for the wonderful dogs they are and all that being a dog actually means.

– Asia
Dog Whispering for 40+ years
© Since 2008

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